Auto Mechanics, Not His Forte

If you asked me to name the reasons why I love Rod, one of the main ones is he takes care of me. He knows how to fix stuff around the house. . . he takes out the garbage . . . . he does handy things. I love that! I’m not a weak woman, but I do like that he can do these ‘manly’ things.

There’s not much that Rod can’t do actually (I still have this teenage infectious ‘love thing’ where I do think he’s great at everything!), but recent events have clearly demonstrated that anything automotive does go on the list of ‘things Rod CAN’T do for me.’ It was a real blow, actually. I’m still recovering mentally.

Picture this . . .we are getting ready for a long holiday. The holiday will involve a lot of driving for many kilometers into areas of the country where mechanics and petrol (gas, Americans) stations are few and far between.

Three days before the trip, I glance up at the windscreen and see that Rod’s next service on his vehicle is due at 15,000 kilometers. Another glance to the odometer when I see he is on 25,000 kilometers - 10,000 kilometers over the limit! He has not had an oil change – let alone a ‘check up’ (or whatever the heck ya call it) in nine months.

This leads to a rather heated conversation, needless to say.

“You’re way overdue on taking your car in for a service!” I exclaim.

“Huh . . . . yeah, I guess I am,” he says as he glances at the service sticker.

“You need to get that done before our holiday!”

“Can’t. There’s not enough time to book it in,” as he adjusts the stereo and itches his crotch (okay, maybe not, but you get that he’s not taking this seriously!).

“How could you put my life at risk like this!” Okay, that might have been over the top, but you see how the conversation went……

Needless to say, no oil got changed before we went on holiday.

So, now, we are driving around a tiny little town when Rod goes to clean the windshield. We’re out of cleaner. We both glance at each other at the same time. Me with the, “Told ya you should have had this thing serviced” face on. And Rod with the, “It’s just windshield cleaner, don’t have a cow” look.

We stop at the next garage.

After filling up with petrol, Rod finds a watering can and fills it. This will do till he gets that next service in 2010, he must be figuring . . . . and, I have the brilliant idea of checking the oil while we’ve got the bonnet (hood, Americans) up. It did need a bit more….

So, here we are, Rod pops the bonnet. He’s got the watering can in his hand and I’ve got the oil can. We are both standing in front of the car staring at the engine like two Zulu tribesmen seeing an i-Pod for the first time.

Rod says in a low voice so no one can hear, “I think this is the first time I’ve actually had the hood up.” I look at him incredulously with a crinkled brow!

“Where do you think the windshield cleaner goes,” I whisper, still staring.

“I’m not really sure. Maybe that hole there?” He looks at me. I give him a ‘don’t look at me, you’re the BOY!’ look.

So, he pops off the top and just starts pouring the water in. We have a 3 gallon watering can. It just keeps going and going and going . . . . . We keep watching and waiting for it to be full, but it doesn’t get there. Half way through the can contents I say, “Are you sure that was the right hole?” Rod just shrugs and keeps pouring. It never did fill up, but we did empty the watering can.

Anyway, on to the oil. Again, we are both staring at the engine looking for something that remotely looks like an oil hole thingy . . . . . . Rod points at several places asking my opinion. All I can do is shrug.

Finally, after more whispers and glances at the station attendant who is starting to peer out the window . . . . Rod picks a hole and pours in the oil.

As the can drains, I make my way toward the door and look back at Rod, he has this look of someone who knows what they’re doing. Hands on hips with that blokey, ‘I’m a man’ kinda look as he takes in the summer sun.

He SLAMS that bonnet down, slaps his oily hands together a few times – I swear he snorted and spit and adjusted his boxers – and got back in the car. I just shake my head as he pulls onto the road once again…

The good news is the washer fluid did come out of the right spot and the car didn’t blow up while on holiday.

That’s my man!


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