
Showing posts from August, 2007

Our Lives Have Reduced to This

It's Friday, and as is tradition in the Claycomb household, we will be 'going out' for the night. Nothing fancy, people, just a bite to eat and a movie (Matt Damon if I'm lucky!). As Rod reads the evening paper, he gets to the last page - - the TV listings and says, "Don't forget to tape Project Runway." I am still finishing off some work bits and not quite listening 100%, but this stopped me in my tracks. I look up at him and say, "Do you realise what you've just said? We are actually going to TAPE Project Runway!" Rod's disclaimer, which he is forcing me to type at gunpoint (okay, more like wineglass-point), is that this will be taped for MY enjoyment not his (uh, huh). But, this is just an illustration of what our TV viewing has been reduced to after 8 years in NZ. It's like we're living in a bubble where we don't actually remember anymore what good TV actually is. Here's the typical viewing schedule: Mondays: Desp

What Does $135 Get You On The Street?

Picture this . . . . . a late winter evening and my cell phone rings at about 10pm. Being that my phone is primarily a work phone and my profession is PR, a late evening or early morning call can never be a good thing. One of my clients is an airline pilot training organisation . . . . eek, late night cell phone calls get the adrenalin pumping, visions of planes crashing! The phone is in the office, so I jump out of bed, race down the hall and grab my phone on the last ring.... A shy-sounding, soft spoken man is on the line and uncomfortably says: "Um, yeah, ah, I saw your ad and just like wondered, like, where you are located and what your rates are?" Hmmmm.... I was niave and confused. Had I inadvertantly placed an ad for my communications services and couldn't remember? My fees are $135 and hour, but I don't usually start out my sales process by talking money (learned that in some sales training class years ago). So, I say in a very business-like, rather stern

Read About Hamilton

I was searching on the web for something and found this link: . It is an article on the town we live in - Hamilton. Rod and I were interviewed in it, if you're interested! Heather