Value of $135 Remains a Mystery

For those of you following the saga of my 'special callers' (see, I am sad to report that I missed the opportunity to find out the street value of $135 today.

I was sitting in my office this afternoon when my phone rang:

"Hi. I'm calling about your ad in the paper."

In the middle of a mind-sucking task, I didn't even clue in:

"What ad?"

"The ad for a massage," says the hopeful John.

My ears perk up and I catch on now! However, immediately laugh and say, you have the wrong number. When a SPLIT SECOND LATER, I began screaming down the phone . . . "wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...." UGH! He hung up.

There it was, people! My chance to ask a few questions about the value of my hourly fee.

But, one mystery is solved. This was the first time my caller actually came out and said he was inquiring about an ad in the paper for a 'massage' (code in NZ for sex!). Bad news is my phone-twin missed out on income today. Oh well, I'm saving some poor girl from defiling herself one less time....

Well, loyal readers. Stay tuned in. I will try to keep my wits about me when my next would-be lover rings up.



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